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Compassion in Action Can Make a Difference

作者:Luke D.11年级
虽然听起来有点沮丧,但让我们面对现实吧,我们的世界可能会一团糟. Think about it: conflict and war, inequality and poverty, environmental pollution, discrimination, 腐败, injustice and the violation of human rights, just to name a few examples. But why are humans driven to cause these outcomes? 是一些领导人对权力的贪得无厌,还是我们天生对软弱和失败的恐惧? 不管怎样,我们的世界是空虚的,如果不填补这个空虚,我们就会被毁灭.
But hope is not lost, and although it may sound cliché, 填补这种空虚的一个现实的方法是对他人表现出善意和同情. 我并不是说为一个人做点好事就能结束世界上所有的冲突, 但是,它在较小规模上的影响可以导致更大规模的进步.
For example, take a school environment like Stanstead College. 我相信我们都同意,在学习上不断努力,同时在运动上做同样的事情,会让你身心俱疲. 因此,有些人可能会感到沮丧和焦虑,这些情绪不能很好地结合在一起. 试图独自处理所有这些负面情绪并不是一件容易的事, and it may even lead to more stress in the future. 这就是为什么我们需要不断地与人们联系并伸出援助之手. 我们很容易陷入自己的日常生活和担忧中,以至于我们无法意识到周围的人正在受到伤害, but when we do notice that someone is experiencing hardship in their lives, the most important thing for you to do is to act.  
You see, compassion is often confused with sympathy. While sympathy means you can understand what a person is feeling, 同情是绝对愿意做一些事情来减轻他人的痛苦. Although both are positive in their own ways, 表现出同情心比同情别人对他们的生活产生更持久的影响. To show this impact, I’ll share a quick story with you  by writer 约翰W. Schlatter:
一天,一个名叫马克的年轻人在放学回家的路上,他注意到前面的一个男孩绊了一跤,把他带的书都掉在地上了, along with two sweaters, a baseball bat, 一个手套, and a small tape recorder.
Mark knelt and helped the boy pick up the scattered articles. 因为他们要走同一条路,他帮男孩挑了一部分担子. As they walked, he discovered the boy’s name was Bill. He loved video games, baseball and history, and he was having lots of trouble with his other subjects.
他们先到了比尔家,马克被邀请进屋喝可乐,看电视. The afternoon passed pleasantly with a few laughs and shared small talk; then Mark went home.
他们继续在学校附近见面,一起吃午饭,然后初中毕业. 他们后来上了同一所高中,多年来有过短暂的接触. 最后, the long-awaited senior year came, and three weeks before graduation, Bill asked Mark if they could talk.
Bill reminded Mark of the day years ago when they had first met. “Did you ever wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day?比尔问. “你看,我清理了我的储物柜,因为我要回家结束自己的生命.”
比尔告诉马克,在一起谈笑风生之后,他意识到自己不想死. “我会错过和你在一起的时光,以及之后我生命中的许多美好时光. 马克,我想说的是那天你捡起那些书的时候你做了很多. You saved my life.”
I know it’s not always as easy as it sounds, but lending a helping hand to someone can have a lasting effect on them, and you may even save a person’s life. Don’t just look at someone having a bad day and show sympathy; exhibit compassion and fill the void in our world, because one day, you might need the same thing. 谁知道呢,如果我们都表现出一点点同情心,也许我们就能改变世界.

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